How do I register as a player?
If you are unfamiliar with the Lower Loudoun Little League divisions, take a moment to read over the guidelines. Note that for spring, there will be assessments and a draft to finalize the assignment to divisions and teams.
Once you have read over the divisions, navigate to the registration system.
If you already have a TeamSnap account, logon with this. If not, click “Sign Up”.
After you have logged on, use the option for “new signup” to begin registering your players.
For each player, “add participant” (including selecting the player division) and enter the parent(s) information.
On the next page, you will be presented with “fees” information. For each player, select the appropriate boxes.
For most players this will be two selections:
1) t-ball vs baseball (MP, minors, majors) vs baseball (seniors) with appropriate discounts (family, early bird)
2) county fee
On the next page, you will pay via credit card.
Registration is now complete!
You will hear back about assessments in Jan and Feb time frame.
If you have general issues with TeamSnap, please contact technical support
If you have questions about our league and registration, please contact the player agent