Player arrival

  • Plan to arrive at the field early to have everything set up and ready to go at the practice start time
  • Set up a routine for players when they arrive to keep them busy until practice time

5 Min – Base Running

  • Reinforce fundamentals of running through 1B and home base – and that they cannot over-run 2B and 3B without the risk of being tagged out
  • Touch the inside portion of the base when running around the bases
  • Use a couple of the base running drills to get them warmed up

5 Min – Stretching

  • Players form a circle around the pitcher’s mound and team works through a few simple stretching exercises
  • This is a good time to discuss the practice plan

30 Min – Station Drills

  • Set up two or three stations depending upon the number of players at the practice
  • Choose from the list of practice drills provided by LLLL or make up your own
  • Try to cover hitting, fielding and throwing at each practice
  • Rotate between stations every 10 minutes and keep the players active within each station

2 Min – Water Break

15 Min – Team Scrimmage

  • This should be an introduction to the structure and format of the games
  • Try to pull together the lessons learned from the drills