Hat & Jersey (League provided)
Long pants (Baseball pants optional)
Sneakers (Baseball cleats optional)
Helmet (League provided for team use)
Bats (League provided for team use)
Safety Balls (League provided for team use)
Game Length
At least 2 but no more than 3 innings. No new batter (i.e. drop dead time) after 1 hour & 30 minutes.
Skill & Concept Objectives
- Fundamental Athletic Skills
- Organizational Behavior & Group Dynamics
- Introduction to “TEAM” Concepts
Above all else, Lower Loudoun Little League expects each player to have a safe and enjoyable learning experience. The emphasis in T‐Ball is placed on developing a basic understanding of the game. This is a noncompetitive program. Winning is positively the least important item. One player’s ability should never be compared to another’s. Each player should be evaluated on his or her own effort and attitude. Positive reinforcement is a must at this level; no player can be a failure at 5 or 6 years old.
Lower Loudoun Little League would like to see managers working together during games, with the goal of providing the best possible learning environment.
Lower Loudoun Little League policy regarding playing time and positions is clear. At the T‐Ball level, we use the “Incredi‐ball”, which has greatly reduced the potential for serious injury. Therefore, we have determined that each player should have the opportunity to play each position equally. The thinking is “How can a player learn to play first base if he/she never has the chance to play first base?”
Lower Loudoun Little League expects each manager to develop a rotation based on the 6 infield positions, which will give each player the same opportunity to play each position equally if they attend the games and practices. This is not for a game‐by‐game basis, but a “for the year” requirement. The ability to catch and throw is not the
deciding factor in T‐Ball ‐‐ the opportunity to develop and grow, and to be exposed to each position is.
Managers are expected to help “police” the base paths, i.e., first baseman standing in front of the base runner on first base. The first and third base coaches have the best view of this situation.
Base coaches should notify defensive coaches when an unsafe situation exists. Defensive coaches should be aware that they may be notified of this situation from time to time by the offensive coaches and should not take offense to this. Managers should resist physically moving he players, but instruct them where to stand so they are not in the base path.
T‐Ball will strive to field a minimum of eight (8) players.
General Rules
- Home team occupies first base bench.
- Fifty (50) feet between bases.
- All players bat and field each inning. An inning ends after the last player on the team has batted.
- Each coach should keep the game going and must strive to complete at least 2 full innings.
- Players are required to either be on the bench or on the field the entire game – NO EXCEPTIONS. Do not allow players to continuously roam around or sit with their parents.
- PLAYERS MUST WEAR LONG PANTS. Baseball pants are encouraged.
- PLAYERS MUST WEAR SNEAKERS OR CLEATS. No sandals or open‐toed shoes are permitted.
Offensive Rules
- All batters and base runners must wear a helmet.
- No player, other than the batter, is to handle a bat. EXCEPTION – Unless manager or coach is providing instruction to player a safe distance away from the other players.
- The tee should be placed in front of home plate facing backwards so the front of the tee is against the front part of the plate (flat side to flat side)
- Each batter gets 6 swings, with coach helping on subsequent swings until the batter hits the ball.
- A batted ball must pass beyond a 15‐foot semicircle from home plate before it is live (Batting coach will call).
- Players should advance one base at a time.
- Throwing the bat is not allowed. This is a safety concern, and this rule must be enforced. T‐Ball is the place to teach good habits. Any player who throws the bat after receiving a warning is out. One warning will be issued per player, per game, with any subsequent throwing of the bat resulting in an out.
- Managers should warn defensive team when strong batters are at bat to minimize the possibility of injury.
- No runners are allowed to advance to the next base on an over throw.
- “Leading off” and stealing are not allowed.
- Only 3 coaches allowed on the field with the offensive team: a batting coach and first & third base coaches. Base coaches serve as umpires for their respective bases. Defensive coach located in outfield will call second base. Batting coach will call home if needed. THE COACH’S DECISION STANDS. GIVE THE ADVANTAGE TO THE INFIELDER.
Defensive Rules
- Pitcher, first baseman and catcher must wear a helmet with a facemask.
- In the event of an out (T6 ONLY), the batter/runner shall be directed to the dugout/bench (and not be allowed to remain on the base). No more than 2 outs can be made during any one at‐bat. No triple plays count, however, if one is made, congratulate the team.
- Players should be encouraged to make the right play, i.e.; pitcher throws to first base rather than running it himself/herself or rolling the ball.
- Outfielders must stay out of the area designated for the infielders, approximately 10 to 15 feet behind the base path. Four infielders, pitcher and catcher in the infield ‐ all others in outfield.
- Outfielders must throw the ball into the infield to make an out. Outfielders cannot make tags or force-outs at the bases, but can catch fly balls for an out.
- Play stops when the ball is returned to the infield. The infielder need not have control of the ball. (In the event a runner is more than halfway to next base, allow him/her to advance.)
- It is the obligation of the manager to rotate all players between the infield and outfield. Your players should play every position on the team and to this end, no player shall play outfield for more than two consecutive innings. During a game, no player shall play the same infield position twice. Keep records so that you track players by position played during the season so as to insure that he/she has played all positions equally as the rest of the team.
- The batting coach shall notify the defense when the last batter is up. As the ball is hit, the defense shall make ONE play and then allow the runners to clear the bases before leaving the field. The defense shall not block home plate nor tag each runner as they round the bases. The last batter shall, in effect, be considered a home‐run hitter. With the exception of ONE defensive play, the batter and all base runners shall be allowed to run the bases as if a home run were hit.
- Only 3 coaches allowed on the field with the defensive team.
Links to Instructional Videos
www.littleleagueu.org Click on COACH then CATEGORY then TEE BALL. You will be directed to a variety of drills and downloads.
Other Tips
- Make sure you get the parents to sign the Concussion and Medical release forms (attached). You need both of these prior to the kids participating in practice or the games.
- Set the lineup for the season prior to the start of the season and do a rotation. Move the kids each inning. (Using a spreadsheet is useful for this purpose)
- Teach the kids the basics, square to the plate, hands up around the shoulder when batting, the ready position, the alligator for fielding, the basics about baseball.
- Make the practices fun.
- Get your parents to volunteer – you will need coaches to help keep 8 to 9 kids in order.
- Set up a snack schedule. Rotate your parents bringing snacks after each game (snack and drink)
- Encourage the kids to participate in league fundraising during the Spring. This is a big part with how the league makes money. Try to push this with the parents as well.
- Find a Team Mom or Assistant to help with the snacks, dugout, and etc.
- You will receive a team sponsor plague (after team photos are taken). Invite them to a game and maybe even a practice. Without the sponsors Lower Loudoun baseball wouldn’t exist. Once you receive the team plague, make time to present it to the Team Sponsor.
- Opening Day Ceremonies is a BIG deal…
- Have an end of the season Party (typically right after the last game of the season) to present the trophies (more on this further down)
- Picture day is a BIG deal.