Opening Day Parade April 6, 2019


Parade Start Time: 8:30am from Sterling Elementary 200 W. Church Rd

  • Please have the parents drop their child off at the school with you, their coach
  • Please arrive EARLY!  Before 8:00am if possible
  • If parents or coaches wish to stay at Sterling Elem or walk their kids to the truck, please park your car either at Foltz Field (next to Park View High school/recycling center) or at Sterling Park Baptist Church off N. York Road.  DO NOT PARK AT THE KISS AND RIDE!!!
  • The parents can then park at the shopping center across from Cobb Field
  • The best place to watch the parade is along W. Holly Ave along the road by the machine pitch field and the entrance to Sterling Middle school.
  • Ceremony starts approximately 9:15am


What you need for the parade

  • Please start asking for volunteers right away.
  • You will need a truck.  Please ask your parents if they have one that your team can borrow.  If there is absolutely no truck that can be borrowed from a team member, please contact Tom Tobin at
  • You will need someone to drive the truck, and at least two adults in the truck with the kids.
  • You will need to decorate the truck.  (There is a Spirit Award!) The only requirement is that is has the name of your team and what division you are in.  For example, the T-6 Jaguars, or the AAA Nationals. (Make sure it is on the drivers side)  You can find examples from previous parades on our Facebook page.
  • Please have the parents drop their kids off 20 minutes before the start of the parade if not earlier.  The parade starts exactly at 8:30am!


What to expect on Opening Day

  • The parade route will lead right out of the school on to Church Rd, then will make a left onto Aspen Ave and then a left onto Holly Ave.  It enters Sterling Middle school and then heads to Cobb up the dirt access road.  Loudoun County Sheriffs will have the roads closed so there will be no access once the parade begins.  The parade route goes all the way to Cobb Field where the players will be unloaded and then led onto the outfield of Cobb.  (Please tell your parents not to hinder the unloading of the trucks.  It slows things down and makes the sheriffs cranky)  When all the teams have been lined up around the grass, there will be about 40 minutes of ceremony.  There is the National Anthem, a keynote speaker, the Little League Pledge and the Opening Day pitches. Once the ceremony is done the kids are free to play on the moon bounces, get food at the snack bar, and enjoy the festivities.  (There is a Tball game after the ceremony.  I suggest you get that started quickly so the kids can have fun afterwards) For the little kids, the best way to handle disbursement is to find a spot on Cobb and let the parents come to you to grab their kids.  Best to let the parents know this ahead of time.



  • There is a Spirit Award for the best truck.  This is judged by our Umpires.  So please put some love into decorating your truck.  BE LOUD!  Have fun!
  • You can make a banner to display on your truck that can also be used to hang up during your games.  (If you would like to see an example please let me know)
  • Please be on the lookout and encourage your parents to volunteer, even if it is for 20 minutes.


Thanks so much for volunteering!  If you have any questions please feel free to email me at


Mary Florkowski

LLLL Opening Day Committee